Helpful Tips For When You Need To Move Fast

If you suddenly need to move to another state and need to act fast, there are a few important things you'll need to know in order to accomplish your goals. Moving generally takes a lot of time, and it can be difficult to find a moving company to help on a short notice. But don't fret. Here are a few tips to quickly get you on your way.

Find a mover first

According to the Census Bureau, as many as 12% of the population moves annually. That means that some moving companies may be booked solid. Therefore, the first thing you'll need to do is find a moving company and hire them! It's important to ask several moving companies for quotes on how much your move will cost and whether or not your items will be moved on a consolidated truck. If so, this means that your items will be put on a truck with other people's things. While this can save you money on moving expenses, it could cause a delay in getting your things to your next home. So be sure to ask, since you need to move quickly.

Assign tasks to family members and friends

Take a look around your home, and you may feel overwhelmed about the amount of work that will be involved when it's time to pack everything up. Ask your family members and friends to help. But, as with a lot of things in life, people have different ways of doing things, which could cause you to be confused about where things are when it's time to unpack in your new home. Consider assigning rooms to each helper. Alternatively, have each person responsible for packing up different types of things, such as clothing, fragile items, books, electronics, and lawn equipment.

Have one person in charge of taking apart furniture. Give them a box of sandwich bags to place screws, nuts, and bolts into, and a permanent marker to write which furniture the bag belongs to. Don't forget to have everyone label each box. Give each of them a permanent marker to write the room the box belongs in and the contents of the box on all sides. That way, you won't have to flip the boxes around to figure out where they belong when it's time to unpack.

Select moving boxes and supplies

If you have a lot of things, you'll need a lot of boxes. Your moving company may have boxes available for purchase. If not, you can buy them at home improvement centers and moving truck rental stores. It's important to get boxes that are appropriate for the items that will be put into them. Don't overload a large box with heavy items unless it's a heavy-duty box.

Obviously, you'll need tape to secure the boxes. It's a good idea to get more tape than you think you'll need so you won't run out while packing. Here are several other supplies that can help, and you can find them in your local supermarket.

  • sandwich bags for furniture parts and small items
  • gallon-sized freezer bags for kitchen utensils and junk drawers
  • saran wrap or cling wrap to secure dresser drawers without damaging the finish
  • zip-ties to tie together cords and cables

Tell the moving company when you are ready

If you get ready for the moving company earlier than they are scheduled to arrive, tell them. They may be able to arrive sooner and get the show on the road, so to speak. Moving companies often appreciate when their customers are completely ready to be moved instead of still packing up boxes when they arrive.
